So I'm a bit early posting this up but around here New Years is a huge holiday. Bigger than Christmas. And I plan to not be around much this next week spending time in RL with the family. :))
I've made a New Year's Resolution for my store. I'm not using pre-made sculpt packs for my furniture anymore. All couches, benches (haha), beds, tables, etc will all be made by me. I have been doing this for the past 6 months but I wanted to make it official. All things that were made from sculpt packs have been removed from the main store.
(I just want to clarify I will still use SOME sculpts that I purchase full perm such as flowers - all flowers I use are made by the super talented Logan Bauer, which I cannot for the LIFE of me sculpt LOL) But ALL pieces of furniture will be made 100% by me. :)
For now I have placed all of my discontinued items that are not sculpted by myself into a skydome in the sky. There is a TP board at the front of my mainstore. I've discounted everything to 50l-100l. However this won't be around for long!! I will probably remove it in a couple months to give anyone enough time to grab things they liked. The bubble is at The Pea (228,201,801).
I want to clarify that in no way so I think that sculpt packs are bad. They got me through 2 years before learning to sculpt. I think they are a wonderful tool in the path to learning to be a creator. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today. I just feel this is the next exciting step on my creative journey and am really looking forward to challenging myself.
<3 Isla
New Years Resolution
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Peboamauk Lounge
Saturday, December 17, 2011
In Abenaki the word Peboamauk roughly translates to "wintery place". I think of winter and cosying up by the fire when I think of my sofa at home. So it seemed to be the natural choice. :)
Each item is sold separately. They are on special for Spruce Up Your Space and range from 50l - 150l for the sofa. You can purchase by right clicking on the tag and choose pay. If you’d like to use a gift card or gift an item just click on the tag for a menu
18 Prims.
9 couples animations.
3 Friend Anims,
14 Single Anims incl self-rezzing props (book, knitting, laptop)
Lamp: 5 Prims. On/Off on Touch. Emits light.
Shelves: (snow) 15 Prims, (bric-a-brac) 12 Prims.
Antlers: 6 Prims
Curtains: 6 Prims. (including sunbeam)
Table w/accessories: 17 Prims
all mod.copy.notrans
:CP: Orla Breakfast Set
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Out now for Spruce Up Your Space: Flashback!
My Grandmother had this table. And these horrible dishes. lol I hated them and miss them all at the same time.
12 Single Animations for up to 2 avatars
Prim Counts -
Table: 13 Prims
Light: 3 Prims
Art: 13 Prims
No-Mod Rezzable tabletop flowers: 38 Prims
No-Mod Rezzable tabletop breakfast scene: 36 Prims
Heather Vintage Bedroom...
Monday, November 14, 2011

This bed was inspired by a friend of mine, TrinityBelle Merriman. She asked me to make a wrought iron bed because she has always wanted one in SL. I love the idea of wrought iron but I wanted something simple - something inspired by the 20's and 30's. I didn't want something overly complicated or fussy. So the Heather Vintage bedroom was born.
There are a number of extra features with this bed. There is a set menu for couple sleeping poses with very sweet couple sleeping animations. The couples menu also offers a rezzable breakfast tray for breakfast in bed. There are laptop poses for those that like to play online in bed. Also several reading poses for bookworms, of course as well as the laptop with self-rezzing props. (No click to hold and messing with inventory!)
The bed comes in PG (regular) and Adult versions. The Adult bed consists of a full 2 extra menus with 20 carefully chosen poses.
All the info on the Heather Bedroom!
Prim Counts:
(The items that are simply grouped are listed separately. This is a large set, you can choose to have less or more items out if you wish to save on prims or get the full benefit of the entire set.)
Bed: 26 Prims
Bedside Table: 9 Prims
Bedside Table Decor: 15 prims. Lamp has an on/off switch on touch.
Dresser: 29 Prims (Drawers move open/close on touch)
Dresser decor: 24 Prims
Wall Art: 5 Prims per picture
Wardrobe: 31 Prims
Fan: 5 Prims
Rug: 2 Prims
Texture Options:
Bed - 6 fabric choices
Hanging Fabric on Wardrobe - 6 choices
Rug - 3 Texture choices
20 Couples Animations (self-rezzing breakfast tray)
OPTIONAL adult purchase: 20 carefully chosen animations (Not included in PG Version)
3 Friend Animations
23 Single Animations (self-rezzing laptop and book props)
The bed comes in either mod.copy.notrans or mod.nocopy.trans
Marketplace listing for PG Bed - Trans/NoCopy Version.
Marketplace listing for Adult Bed - Trans/NoCopy Version.
Marketplace listing for PG Bed - NoTrans/Copy Version.
Marketplace listing for Adult Bed - NoTrans/Copy Version.
TP Cheeky Pea in SL!
Carolina Harvest Table
Saturday, October 29, 2011
For Spruce Up Your Space: Fall Festival!
Table: 19 Prims, Lights: 4 Prims each, No-Mod Rezzable tabletop scene: 51 Prims (as shown)
Each chairs contains 5 unique sitting animations for up to 4 avatars (20 animations total)
Lights on/off on touch with effects, dispenses wine to drink, rezzer for scene Mod.Copy.NoTrans
Melrose Autumn Retreat
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
So I went a little overboard for Seasons Hunt.... But I'm really excited about it and I love Autumn and I'm a bit sad it's the last one. So here... I made lots of stuff and you can have it all. :D
Melrose Autumn Retreat
9 animations for 9 avatars
menu adjustment
Fire with on/off sparks, sounds and more
72 prims
......For Seasons Hunt - Autumn
The Nest Halloween Party
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Nest is going to be hosting a 4 day party with Guising (trick or treating) and a special performance by Winston Ackland with a costume party!
We will also be holding a spooky Gatcha event from all your favourite Nest stores!
The event will run from October 28th to October 31st. There will be a party with music from Winston Ackland at 4pm SLT on Saturday October 29th.
Nest SIMはハロウィンのトリック・オア・トリート とWinston Acklandのコンサートとコスプレパーティによる4日間のパーティを開催します。
このイベントは10月28日~31日で開催されます。Winston Acklandによるコンサートは、10月29日(土)のSL時間午後4時からです。
:CP: Eastleigh Yoga Mat
Monday, September 19, 2011
Mod. NoCopy.Trans
8 Prims
12 Animations
6 Texture change options
Mat and accessories disappear into single rolled mat to be tucked away when not in use.
Item includes all you see (mat, roll, incense burner, singing bowls)
Smoke automatically comes from incense.
This is an UPDATED version of an older item I had made long ago with improved sculpts, textures, and more animations.
This will only be on sale for the special price of 50l for 3 days!
:CP: Biblos Chaise
Saturday, September 17, 2011
:CP: Biblos Chaise
9 Prims
25 Single Animations
Self-rezzing props (book, laptop)
You may be able to *just* see it in the teeny tiny picture at the bottom of the set of four, but the fabric has writing on it. This is great for a living room or library or sun room area. Lots of fun animations and props! The laptop is texture change if you prefer a PC or a PearBook. :D
Out in store now! :))
Just So Lovabug!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Out for Project Themeory: Road Trip!
6 Animations, 26 Prims... AND COPY! \o/
Three suitcases with a seat on the top, a little pillow and a tag so your luggage doesn't get lost! Try to fit all THAT in your boot!
Holystone Set
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Ready now at Cheeky Pea!!
Sofa: 14 Prims
Armchair: 11 Prims
Fully Decorated Coffee Table: 16 Prims
Side Table: 4 Prims
Side Table Acessories (Lamp and Telephone): 19 Prims - Lamp is off/dim/on on touch
Planter: 10 Prims
Wall Decor (oars): 10 Prims
Rug: 2 Prims
6 Single "Activity" animations (reading, knitting, laptop, singing..)
13 Couples Animations
5 Friend Animations
13 Single Animations
Self-rezzing props (book, laptop, guitar, popcorn, & more)
9 Single animations
Faye Tea House for Spruce Up Your Space
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Tea house for Spruce Up Your Space!! Available this weekend for only 150l. The teahouse itself is 100% custom sculpted. A cute little addition to the garden!
Cheeky Pea in SL!Fifty Linden Friday Birthday Present!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
this will be out at the FLF birthday party tomorrow!! Grab it and have fun and stuff!!
I'll add an SLURL tomorrow when the party starts - or else just join the FLF group in world to get all the info!
Cafe Tables for Albero Gacha event
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Out at Albero for the gacha festival!!
15-25 Prims depending on item won. 6 different tablecloth textures with 6 different decor tops.
There are 3 animations in each chair. 1 is a couples animation and the other 2 are single (different in each chair).
It is 50l per try for the gacha. Two items are rare - the seaside and the calm versions.
TP to Albero and it is in the first bay in between and This is a Fawn!
Albero SLURL
<3 Isla
Arden Chalk Shelf
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Out now for Fifty Linden Friday at Cheeky Pea!!
22 Prims
6 Chalkboard Texture options
Available by long clicking (click and hold for 2 secs) on the chalkboard.
4 Single Animations for up to 4 avatars
Cheeky Pea SLURL!
Short and sweet as I'm sitting in a hotel room on holiday in Inverness! (oh the places I go..... LOL)
Seasons Hunt Sneak Peek
Friday, July 8, 2011
Sneak Peek of the Seasons Hunt Gift! Coming Mid-July. :D
Cheeky Pea in SL!The Pea Sidewalk Sale!
Friday, June 24, 2011
We're having a sidewalk sale!!
Cheeky Pea will have items for sale both inside and outside. ALL items on the sidewalk at the front of the store are being retired FOREVER and will be at least 50% off. A few favourites inside range from 15%-25% off! All sale items are marked with bunting.
Cheeky Pea's Old Saybrook Daybed
Friday, June 10, 2011
From the picture taken by both of us I've come up with this - the Old Saybrook Daybed set.
You can view this item in world at the Cheeky Pea Mainstore or else you can also view at Dutchie Mainstore!
Prim Counts:
(The items that are simply grouped are listed separately. You can choose to have less or more items out if you wish to save on prims or get the full benefit of the entire set.)
Bed: 23 Prims
Canopy: 17 Prims
Chest: 7 Prims
Accessories on Chest: 11 Prims
Art: 9 Prims
Sconces: 5 Prims Each (light dims/full on touch)
Chairs: 6 Prims Each
Table: 5 Prims
Table Accessories: 11 Prims
7 Couples Animations
3 Friend Animations
18 Single Animations
Self-rezzing props (book, laptop)
9 Single animations each
I hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed making it!!
<3 Isla
Coming soon. :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Welcome to Designers Challenge, in which every 2 weeks 2 home and garden designers will take the same rl picture as inspiration and create what they see in Second Life in their own way.
There are only 2 rules:
1. The 2 designers want to do this with each other and agree on the rl pic.
2. They both use the media available to them to create some publicity.
That's it!
We wish you all a lot of fun!
Isla Geleach and Froukje Hoorenbeek
Malia Bedroom
A new room release for the SL Home and Garden Expo. This will be available starting the 13th of May at the SL Home and Garden Expo sim.
Prim Counts:
(The items that are simply grouped are listed separately. This is a large set, you can choose to have less or more items out if you wish to save on prims or get the full benefit of the entire set.)
Bed: 25 Prims
Bedside Tables: 8 Prims Each
Bedside Table Decor: 9 for Left, 13 for Right. Each lamp has an on/off switch on touch.
Dresser: 12 Prims
Mirror and pictures above dresser: 5 prims each x 5
Perfume Bottles: 5
Flowers on Dresser: 22
Shelf with Decor: 26 (also includes a texture menu - please do not unlink)
Rug: 1 Prim
Texture Options:
Bed -3 fabric choices
Lampshades - 3 choices each shade
Shelf - 3 fabric choices, 3 candle, and 6 tulip
14 Couples Animations
3 Friend Animations
23 Single Animations
More details to follow!
Cafe Snack Table
Saturday, May 7, 2011
New VIP Group Gift available at the front of the mainstore.
Cheeky Pea in SL!Coquina Beach Shack
For Super Bargain Saturday this weekend!
Coquina Beach shack is all about fun in the sun. A bit old, a bit beaten up, but still standing. It includes a little toy boat someone stuffed candles in to keep them upright and a few hooks on the beams to keep some assorted stuff you need on the beach like a net, a few jars for catching lightening bugs at night, and a bit of rope for... who knows what. :D
This is mod, however if you unlink the prims on the shack the texture menu WILL NOT WORK. It's copy, so you can always rez another, but be warned if you unlink stuff, the texture menu is going to start changing all sorts of prim faces.
The candles and hooks are not linked to the shack so you need to rez in edit mode. Then if you don't want to use them you don't have to. :)
The shack is 29 prims, the hooks and stuff hanging from then are 16 prims, and the candle boat is 10 prims.
All are mod.copy.notrans. (scripts inside are no mod)
Laura's Bench
Saturday, April 30, 2011
For Project Themeory this weekend. the theme is "Our Story". Every house has a piece of furniture that has been painted and repainted, stenciled, glued, piled with shoes and books, and you still sit on it staring out the window. In our house it's a bench. Which is probably where my SL love for benches - purchasing and making them, comes from.
So I'm sharing with from My story, a bench. :) Hope you enjoy.
It comes with everything in the picture. 75l for this weekend then it will be available at normal price.
<3 Isla
P.S. Just a quick note to say.... You may notice I love to use flowers and plants in a lot of my builds. ALL of the flowers/plants I use are from Arctic Greenhouse by Logan Bauer. If you haven't had a chance to get there do, his creations are amazing and you should definitely have a look!
Uncle Herman's Lawn Chairs
Out now for Super Bargain Saturday. Two lawn chairs with six different animations each, texture change with six texture options. Barrel table with six texture options for the tablecloth and a couple fun accessories. (no giver, sorry... ahem)
Out for 60l for SBS!
Charity Event Participation
Monday, April 25, 2011
The reasons are many, but mostly because I don't enjoy the charity event "culture" that SL has been inundated with, the millions of charity events with no accountability. I have learned the hard way not to trust that not all people do as they say they will.
This isn't me be scroogey or mean. I will continue to give as I always have done - through RL channels. I encourage you to do the same. That's not to say you can't shop at your favourite store participating in a charity event or with a charity aspect, of course if you can see the clear accountability for the money please do! I'm not saying that everyone that organises these is in the wrong, I just do not have the time, energy, or enthusiasm to research every single event I'm invited to, or to track up the records and accounts of those participating. I applaud those organisers and designers who put so much in to the events and have clear accounting practices.
I will honour the current commitments I have made, but past that... blanket ban for me. I will drop my coins in the SSPCA bucket, give to Oxfam, and participate in Red Nose Day... in RL. Charity starts on your doorstep, and that is where I'm going to focus.
Isla <3
Spring Hall Table for Seasons Hunt
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
For the Seasons Hunt! Out in store now.
Cheeky Pea in SL!Spring Breakfast Table
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Out now at the mainstore!!!
Cheeky Pea in SL!Twisted Hunt Starts Today!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Spruce Up Your Space and Super Bargain Saturday!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Spruce Up Your Space starts at 9am Saturday. (Cheeky Pea's item is out now)
Spruce Up Your Space is a monthly event spread over two weekends. It showcases the best of fun in SL Home and Garden. Every month there is a new theme, and February is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of SUYS!! The February theme is simply "Happy Anniversary, SUYS!"
I took a little spin off of the Anniversary theme.... The "modern" gift for a first anniversary is .. yes, CLOCKS! (I had to amuse myself lol) So We have the Dandelion Clock Sofa, Ottoman, and accessories set! And *A* dandelion clock too!
Available this weekend for the Anniversary of Spruce Up Your Space for only 150l!!
You can preview Spruce Up Your Space items from all designers on SUYS Flickr Group
Super Bargain Saturday starts at 12am Saturday. (Cheeky Pea's item is out now)
We are part of Super Bargain Saturday, out now in the main store!
The Folly Beach Daybed. With 6 Single Animations for up to 6 people only for 60l !!
Check out all the stores participating this week in SBS!
You can preview Super Bargain Saturday items from all designers on Flickr
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to IM me.
<3 Isla
:CP: Beadnell Beach Retreat
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011