Come see Mr. Scrooge's Holiday Village. Almost everything is free - and nothing is crap!!!!
I'm bad at keeping up... so here are a few of the most recent releases and news!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sorry I'm so bad about keeping up with the blog! Flickr is so much faster.. lol. I'm going to put a few of our recent releases up.
In the past month we have had a lot of fun news! We have moved to our own sim, and opened a store on Albero! With the closing of Starlust our store on Horst will be closing this week. :(
So, without further warbling... some pictures!
All are available at our Mainstore sim, the Albero shop, and the SL House & Garden sim store!

In the past month we have had a lot of fun news! We have moved to our own sim, and opened a store on Albero! With the closing of Starlust our store on Horst will be closing this week. :(
So, without further warbling... some pictures!
All are available at our Mainstore sim, the Albero shop, and the SL House & Garden sim store!

:CP: Pottery Workbench
Friday, August 27, 2010
15 Prims
12 Single Animations
18 Texture Options
We've also still got the Panty Raid going on!
Our Gacha is new this week with Rugs!!! Flickr Link
If you have any questions just IM me. :)
<3 Isla
FTLO ... Science!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
New hunt is starting on August 22nd... For The Love Of... Science!
:CP: Geeky Science
6 Prims to 38 Prims depending on Rezzable items.
Long click on the table top (click and hold for 10 seconds) to bring up rezzing menu. You can then choose some, all, or none of the 4 items available. This allows you to have a customised top based on your style (and prim count).
There are three sits in this item and the adjustment menu is available by sitting and typing /1a in local chat.
<3 Isla
:CP: Geeky Science
6 Prims to 38 Prims depending on Rezzable items.
Long click on the table top (click and hold for 10 seconds) to bring up rezzing menu. You can then choose some, all, or none of the 4 items available. This allows you to have a customised top based on your style (and prim count).
There are three sits in this item and the adjustment menu is available by sitting and typing /1a in local chat.
<3 Isla
Beach Cottage Living Room!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
This full set includes the following:
Cottage Couch - 16 Prims
14 Couples Animations
6 Friend Animations (1 x 2 people and 5 x 3 people sitting)
11 Single Animations
Texture change menu with 6 options available on the base of the sofa
NC pose adjustment
Cottage Chair - 11 Prims
9 Single Animations
Texture Change Menu with 6 options available at the base of the chair (same place as sofa)
Menu adjustment available for any sitting avatar by typing /1a in local chat (chair only)
1 x :CP: Hemp Rug - Includes texture change menu with 6 available options (1 prim)
1 x :CP: Scattered Table with touch on/off candles (16 prims)
1 x :CP: Cottage Shelf (17 prims)
1 x :CP: Framed Vintage Bathers (7 prims)
1 x :CP: Canoe Shelf - Includes candles on/off by touch (10 prims)
1 x :CP: Cottage Lamp - on/off on touch (4 prims)
1 x :CP: Sweet Daisies (6 prims)
1 x :CP: Draped Table - texture menu with 6 options available by long click on the draped fabric (3 prims)
1 x :CP: Vintage Posters (1 prim)
Available in world at the mainstore!
If you have any questions at all plese don't hesitate to IM me. :)
<3 Isla
Rose Garden - Out Now!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Soooooooooooo many options with this!
Rose Garden Alone - 3 Prims
Options for rezzing items include:
.Trellis with sculpted Roses - 34 Prims
.Pillows - 3 Prims
.Blanket - 1 Prim
.Rose Bush - 13 Prims
.Water Pump - 8 Prims
.Shrubs - 3 Prims
30 Single Animations
18 Couples Animations
There are MANY texture options with this item.
.Trellis Roses - 15 Options
.Rose Bush - 15 Options
.Blanket - 6 Options
.Blanket - 6 Options
.Bench - 6 Options
*Completely* customisable to make this fit YOUR own style!
VIP Group Gift - July
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Following on from the start of the Posers series, what better way to show off your pics than a neat photo frame!
Both versions are included. One is more primmy but soooo cute, second is also neat, and lower prim count. xD
Hope you Enjoy!
If you TP to the Mainstore the Gift Box is on the cabinet in the front hall - top shelf.
<3 Isla
:CP: Posers - Suitcase
Cheeky Pea is staring a new line - called Posers!
All about fun and friends in photos. Cute, funky props, containing the unique poses you want. Each one also includes a HUD based emoter for funny faces - and since it's copy and trans you can share it with your friends! All the fun, even the cost.... at 100l a steal. ;)
First one is out now - The Suitcase.
Lazy Lounger
10 Prims
9 Couples Animations
16 Single Animations
Click the seat of the lounger to bring up the couples menu. Only the owner can click the menu whilst unseated. Everyone has access to the menu when seated.
The arm of the lounger will bring up a texture menu when click hold for 2+ seconds (will let you know in local chat when it's ready)
A bit of fun for those lazy summer days. xD
<3 Isla
The Treehouse
☼ The Treehouse Alone - 35 Prims
Options for rezzing items include:
☼ Blanket, Pillows & Candles (Couples Poses) - 6 Prim
☼ Grass - 9 Prims
☼ Party Lights - 5 Prims
☼ Beanies - 2 Prims
☼ Swing - 5 Prims
☼ 34 Single Animations
Beanie x 2 - each contins 6 unique animations
Tyre swing contains 1 swinging animation
Blanket contains 9 animations
The Treehouse itself contains 12 animations that allow you to seat up to 12 avatars at once. with the Blanket, the Beanies, swing, and Treehouse this would allow you to have up to 16 avatars seated at once. xD
Type /1a in local chat to adjust your position on everything except the blanket.
☼ 18 Couples Animations
Available on the Rezzable Blanket
**PLEASE NOTE: If you move the blanket after it's rezzed the poses will look silly. Your torso might be in a curtain or
something. So don't move it. lol If you DO move it, don't worry. Just un-rez through the menu and then re-rez. It will
move back to the original position.
☼ Each candle includes a colour change menu. Simple touch the candle you wish to change. 59 Colour options.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
The Rezzer:
To use the rezzer touch the front free-standing post of the canopy of the Summerhouse. You need to click and hold for 60 seconds for the menu to come up.
To rez One or More items:
Select the items that you wish to rez from the menu. The menu will continue to pop up (until timeout) after each item selected. When you are done click "Done" at the lower right hand corner of the menu.
To rez All items:
Select "All" from the menu. Everything will then rez. Click "Done".
To unrez one or more items:
Select the item you wish to remove. It will have the word No before it. You can do this for each item you wish to unrez. Click "Done".
To unrez All items:
Select "None" from the menu. Everything will be removed from the area leaving the basic structure that it came with. Click "Done".
It is not as scary as it might seem. haha Everything in the rezzer is copy. So if you break something or move it and you want it back, just select the "No.... (item)" choice and it will unrez, then you can re-rez it again by chosing the name again. Simple.
A bit about the rezzer items:
They are no mod/no trans due to licensing. The objects that the Treehouse rez cannot be picked up and used elsewhere. If they are rezzed away from the Treehouse they will auto-delete. If they are moved and are further than 10m from The Treehouse they will auto-delete after 30 minutes.
To lock the rezzer from use by anyone except yourself click and hold a loooooong time and it will lock to owner only.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to IM me!
<3 Isla
☼ The Summerhouse Alone - 31 Prims
Options for rezzing items include:
☼ Blanket (Couples Poses) - 1 Prim
☼ Lanterns - 6 Prims
☼ Lamp - 6 Prims
☼ Grass - 1 Prim
☼ Pond - 22 Prims
☼ Firefly Emitter - 1 Prim
☼ 21 Single Animations
3 unique animations each x 5 different pillows that are on the decking. = 15 Animations
6 animations in rezzable pond.
☼ 22 Couples Animations
Available on the Rezzable Blanket
**PLEASE NOTE: If you move the blanket after it's rezzed the poses will look silly. Your torso might be in a curtain or
something. So don't move it. lol If you DO move it, don't worry. Just un-rez through the menu and then re-rez. It will
move back to the original position.
☼ 3 Texture options for pillows/rug/curtains. Simply long click and hold on the Rug. (2 minutes) The texture menu will then
pop up.
☼ Each lantern includes a colour change menu. Simple touch the lantern you wish to change. 59 Colour options.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
The Rezzer:
To use the rezzer touch the front free-standing post of the canopy of the Summerhouse. You need to click and hold for 60 seconds for the menu to come up.
To rez One or More items:
Select the items that you wish to rez from the menu. The menu will continue to pop up (until timeout) after each item selected. When you are done click "Done" at the lower right hand corner of the menu.
To rez All items:
Select "All" from the menu. Everything will then rez. Click "Done".
To unrez one or more items:
Select the item you wish to remove. It will have the word No before it. You can do this for each item you wish to unrez. Click "Done".
To unrez All items:
Select "None" from the menu. Everything will be removed from the area leaving the basic structure that it came with. Click "Done".
It is not as scary as it might seem. haha Everything in the rezzer is copy. So if you break something or move it and you want it back, just select the "No.... (item)" choice and it will unrez, then you can re-rez it again by chosing the name again. Simple.
A bit about the rezzer items:
They are no mod/no trans due to licensing. The objects that the Summerhouse rez cannot be picked up and used elsewhere. If they are rezzed away from the Summerhouse they will auto-delete. If they are moved and are further than 10m from The Summerhouse they will auto-delete after 30 minutes.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to IM me!
<3 Isla
Horse Of Course
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Horse Of Course - Rocking Horse
15 Individual Sits
Menu can be accessed by clicking on seat after sit. Will store the favourite position of up to 50 avatars. To adjust position type /1a in local chat to bring up adjust menu. (also chats it out on sit)
The texture menu can be accessed by a long click on the base (big curved wood thing). This will bring up a texture menu that will allow you to choose which texture scheme you prefer from 3 options. :)
Item is NoMod, No Copy, Trans...
12 Prims
Crash Crate!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
:CP: Crash Crate Product Info
24 Individual Sits
9 Available in Pillow on Top
9 Avaialble in Pillow on Floor
6 Sits available on Crate TOP
To choose a sit menu simply click on the prim you want to access - either the Crate top, Upper Pillow, or Lower Pillow.
The texture menu can be accessed by a long click on the newpaper on the side. This will bring up a texture menu that will allow you to choose which texture scheme you prefer from 6 options. :)
A great place for friends to crash and chat, even take a nap.
Item is Mod, No Copy, Trans... Contents are No Mod, No Copy, Trans.
24 Individual Sits
9 Available in Pillow on Top
9 Avaialble in Pillow on Floor
6 Sits available on Crate TOP
To choose a sit menu simply click on the prim you want to access - either the Crate top, Upper Pillow, or Lower Pillow.
The texture menu can be accessed by a long click on the newpaper on the side. This will bring up a texture menu that will allow you to choose which texture scheme you prefer from 6 options. :)
A great place for friends to crash and chat, even take a nap.
Item is Mod, No Copy, Trans... Contents are No Mod, No Copy, Trans.
CP Photo Contest WINNERS!!!!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
This was SOOOOOOO hard to judge! There were so many amazing entries!!! Thank you all for participating. As a thank you for all your hard work, everyone who participated will get a free item of their choice from the store. ANYTHING they want! I wish you could have all won! <3 Thank you for your hard work!
Here are all the entries (also listed on Flickr)
But unfortunately... not everyone *can* win... so here are the winners listed 3 to 1.
3rd place winner.............
Was a TIE. I couldn't decide! lol So each winner will receive a 500l prize! The photos are by Ami Tamura and Lilly Lunasea!

<3 Isla
Here are all the entries (also listed on Flickr)
But unfortunately... not everyone *can* win... so here are the winners listed 3 to 1.
3rd place winner.............
Was a TIE. I couldn't decide! lol So each winner will receive a 500l prize! The photos are by Ami Tamura and Lilly Lunasea!

2nd place winner of the 1500L prize is .......
................. Inclinations Moody!
And the 1st place prize of 3000L goes to......................................
............................ Faithless Babii!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone who took part!!!!!
<3 Isla
Sea Casa
Saturday, June 5, 2010
18 Couple Animations
27 Single Animations
(9 in the pillows, 6 unique anims in each of the chairs, 1 each in the following: Roof, Both upper external side supports, bar top, stool, tall end pole opposite pillows.) Simply click on the prim you would like to sit on and the posing system will direct you to that area.
You can edit the position of the pose on the single poses in everything except the pillows by typing /1a in local chat. It will store the positions of the 100 most frequent users.
The pillows will rez the necessary props for the poses it uses... book, pillows, and even stars to look at and oooh and ahhh over.
The lanterns on the ceiling have a colour change menu in them. You can chose between dozens of colours for your very own look to your lanterns. It is entirely your choice. :)
The item is mod, the objects inside are not.
Abandoned Bed
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
:CP: Abandoned Bed Available in CopyOK or TransferOK version.
12 texture options
18 Singles Animations
9 Couples Animations
Touch the mattress and click-hold (long click) for 2 seconds to bring up texture menu. The pose menu can be accessed by touching the blanket on the bed. This item DOES NOT USE POSEBALLS! It's really fab. Play with it, you will love it. Sync and swap buttons available on the menu.
Why so many texture options? I'd like to think this would be fun for any sim, including RP sims. If you get the copy version you could actually get TWELVE beds out of this one item! How cool is that. xD
If you have any questions don't hesitate to IM me in world.
Copy version or Trans version available on Xstreet SL or in world at Cheeky Pea!
Old Pillow Pile
Saturday, May 29, 2010
:CP: Old Pillow Pile
.... cause sometimes, you just don't have enough pillows laying in lazy piles. xD
12 Couples Animations
6 Friend Animations (2 person style anims that are suitable for non-couples ;) )
9 Single Animations
Self Rezzing book prop
Mod - though resizing the pillows is not recommended.. it could screw up the poses.
Info pic shows where the texture menu trigger is and the anim trigger.
Texture menu will change the whole item to the texture set chosen. Just long click on the back pillow and choose your texture pack option. It will stay this way until you choose another option. ;) Very versatile for constant colour scheme changes. (Hey - who doesn't get bored with colours?)
And best of all - NO POSE BALLS!
Just choose a couples/friends/cuddles pose and sit. second person sits just as the first and it will automatically seat you both. Swap button for easy transition along with sync.
Shabby Shelf and a Couple Plants!
Great storage spot for your XstreetSL magic box or any security items that you want out of site. Doors are lockable and open/close on touch!
The plants compliment the Shabby Shelf Green and the Shabby Shelf White quite well. ;) Among loads of other things.
These items can be purchased online at XstreetSL (click the pictures to go to the listings) or in world at Cheeky Pea!
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